Time Tested by People & Nature
Virtually every region, city, town, and neighborhood, today or tomorrow, must successfully adapt to formidable physical, economic and social challenges or its citizens will depart. Our evolving mastery and commitment to excellence in design and development will help us achieve resilience, to better reach environmental, economic and social health - in good spirit.
Featured Projects
Villebois, French for “village near the woods,” is a built 500-acre community in Wilsonville, Oregon. Since 2004, Steve assisted on the plan and reviewed proposed architectural building designs for the City until 2017.
East Beamer Way Campus for the Unhoused
Steve designed and continues to help develop East Beamer Way, a campus with a 100 bed Shelter, 61 permanent supportive homes and small community center, and a 70 bed substance abuse treatment center now in design.
Sustainability Plans