Sustainability Plans
City of Tracy, CA Sustainability Plan - APA Award
Steve co-led a Sustainability Action Plan to transform Tracy into a leader for environmental, economic, and social sustainability. The Plan detailed long-range strategies to achieve sustainability in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, energy, transportation and land use, solid waste, water, agriculture and open space, biological resources, air quality, public health, and economic development.
Pleasanton, CA Climate Action - Sustainability Plan
Steve co-led the City of Pleasanton’s Climate Action Plan, the result of nearly a year of collaborative efforts among community leaders, citizens, industry experts, renowned scientists, and city staff. The Plan was adopted by City Council in 2011 and includes General Plan policy amendments and muncipal code revisions.
Martinez, CA Climate Action - Sustainability Plan
Building on initiatives and actions already begun by the City of Martinez, the CAP described short, medium, and long-term conceptual strategies to reduce dependency on oil and natural gas, increase the use of renewable resources, improve air quality, reduce solid waste, and decrease the amount of water and energy required by residents, businesses, schools, and municipal operations.
Hayward Climate Action - Sustainability Plan
With consultants HDR Inc., Steve Coyle/Town-Green, Steve developed a Plan that addressed building, landscape, and infrastructure sustainability; energy conservation and renewable resources; waste management and transportation-related systems, and other local targets in an implementable action plan that will help Hayward become a more environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable community.
City of San Mateo, CA Sustainability Commission
Just before leaving for Africa in 2012, Steve/Town Green led the City in conceptulizing, organizing, and developing a Citywide Sustainability Commission, one of the first in the US. He interviewed protential Commission candidates from CEO's of Silicone Valley companies to non-profit directors to create sustainability goals, strategies, and performance measures with the key stakeholders and Commission candidates.
Los Angeles Solid Waste Integrated Resources Plan (SWIRP)
Los Angeles and all of Southern CA faces the challenge of increasing sustainability, reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), and improving the quality of life and public health and safety in a politically feasible, reasonably cost effective manner. HDR, Inc. with Steve Coyle assisted the City of Los Angeles in the development of a plan to achieve zero solid waste by the year 2030 in a six-year, Los Angeles Solid Waste Integrated Resources Plan (SWIRP).